There is some upcoming exciting news for anyone who visits this site. I am currently in the process of editing my WIP and the first in the series Deciphering the Unknown: Cosmic Sentinel. 

It can be currently found on several web readers such as scribblehub, Inkitt, and Royal Road. These versions are the first draft. If you would like to follow along with the editing process follow me on patreon. 

The story involves 5 Goblins who accidentally get caught on the ancient spaceship called the Cosmic Sentinel. The ship itself abducts a human because the Goblins don't have the correct genetic makeup to pilot the ship. These 6 characters have to first get the ship flyable, and then choose to continue their adventure, meeting aliens and saving an entire solar system in the process.

But that's just book one.

So join in with the crew of misfits as they embark on their perilous, humorous, and altogether epic journey through the stars.

Thank you for visiting my webpage! Feel free to drop a note if there is anything that isn't working for you or if you have suggestions for additional design improvements. I am still making adjustments, but I am much happier with the look now than I was before.

As you may have noticed, all three Metempsychosis books are now available on Kindle for anyone who might want to save a little on a bundle. They are also available on Smashwords, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Follow the links if you're looking to purchase.

Thanks again for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy Metempsychosis as much as I do. Keep an eye out for more books coming soon!

The website is coming along, the book is split and all three are up, published, and ready for purchase. I truly hope everyone enjoys metempsychosis as much as I have enjoyed writing it. It has been a long year+ in the making.


Welcome to my new website! As I embark on this journey of introducing myself to an online audience, I'm thrilled to have your interest and support. Stay tuned for upcoming communications, captivating stories, and hopefully contributions from other talented authors. Together, let's explore the boundless world of storytelling and creative expression.

An especially delightful outtake from my book Metempsychosis, I felt like sharing.

She watched in disgust as her midsection oozed out of the portal which appeared as a stark white, circular, wrinkled muscle covered in shiny, thick fluid. It protruded from nothingness, with no visible support behind it.

The space sphincter spasmed again, expelling more of Jarow's body, which was also covered in the sticky clear liquid. The substance dripped off her and remained suspended in the space around her. It seemed as though her body was the only source of gravity in this place, as the droplets of liquid fell a few inches away from her and then began to orbit around her.

Normally, such a strange occurrence would have fascinated Jarow, but in her current state—covered in foul-smelling goo and witnessing her legs being expelled from a giant white space anus—the entire situation with the slime seemed secondary.